I would have to say I am feeling a little more comfortable with Edie. I don't think she is going to die at any second like I did the last two weeks. I am starting to have a better idea what some of the different cries are about. I know feeding cries because they are usually right on schedule. And she has a breakdown most nights around 9:00. Some don't last too long. Others result in her being put in her crib to cry it out. But that is usually it. She is still sleeping almost all day. She really only wakes up to eat. Edie has become a professional boob drainer. She is eating every two to three hours during the day. At night she eats about every 4 to 5 hours. On a good night she only eats twice. She's like her mom, she like to eat, sleep, and poop.
Before going on, I should say that I can't spell. My dictionary is at work and this blog program doesn't automatically correct misspelled words. So, sorry.
Not all fathers take the time to teach their babies how to play NCAA's Football for X Box. She was completely disinterested.
Yesterday we took Edie on her first real outing, other than the car seat check at a police station. She went with us to Central Market. Chris and I have always done our grocery shopping together. When we first started dating we lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and did the bulk of our grocery shopping at a Super Walmart. If we were feeling saucy we would go to Winn Dixie. Oh how the times have changed. After shopping at Central Market for the last 4 years I couldn't imagine actually eating any food that came out of a Walmart. We are proud grocery store snobs. I would like to think that our weekly family trips will become something that she looks forward to. She can pick out cool looking fruit and eventually she could pick out recipes and look for the ingredients. She'll be cooking us dinner in no time.
As I mentioned above, Edie and I went to a police station in Deep Ellum the other day to get the car seat inspected. Turns out we have almost everything wrong. The base was installed incorrectly and it's placement in the car was wrong. She had also been strapped in wrong. I'm super glad we checked. It makes me wonder how many babies and kids are in car seats that are improperly installed. Probably the majority. Installing the base properly required crawling into the car, kneeling with both legs on the base while pulling a strap with all my strength to get it as tight as possible.
Also introduced this week was the Baby Bjorn, aka, the greatest invention ever. If only they would make one that was safe to use in the car while driving.
Headed into Central Market. Turns out we shouldn't have put the carrier on the cart like that. From now on she will be in the Baby Bjorn.
She won't remember this trip because she slept through the entire thing.
Putting together the running stroller.
With a little help from the dogs.
Mother Teresa.
In her Texas onesie made by the author of my favorite blog.
Mom giving Edie her second bath in the tub. Note the frog belly.