Monday, August 31, 2009

Meeting Friends and Family

Since I am incredibly paranoid about Swine Flu I am not taking Edie out in public. She has gone on walks through the neighborhood and several trips in the car (which she does not get out of) and of course every other week trips to the doctor. But that is it. People have to come to her! Well, actually she did call on one person... Granny, but she's the exception. Here are shots of some of the people that have paid Edie a visit.

During a diaper change on Saturday, Edie's umbilical cord fell off. Of this moment, Anne Lamott writes in her book, Operating Instructions, "It's like something a long-haired cat would get stuck in her tail." Mom (my mom) was changing the diaper so she made the discovery. To celebrate Edie was given her first big girl bath. I think she liked it. On Saturday afternoon and night Edie had her first real meltdown. Unless she was on a boob, she cried from about 4:00 pm to around 11:00 pm. Around 8:30 pm we put her in her crib and shut her door and our door. I think I fell asleep in about two minutes. Chris couldn't fall asleep; he said the crying lasted at least an hour and a half. I felt guilty at first but the desire/need for sleep won out and the best thing to do seemed to be to seperate her form us. It turned out to be a great idea because I slept better that night than I have in two weeks. I was really nervous Sunday morning that the crying would begin again so I asked my mom to come over in anticipation of the melt down but it never happened. Thank God!

Edie's first bath. There was very little crying, if any.

The fit that never happened.

Cute images from this weekend.

The legs crack me up.

Abby is probably not happy about sharing her chair.

Looks a lot like Chris here.

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