You gotta love Dallas on weekends like the one we just had... in the 70's in February. Like my mom said, we crammed winter into 2 weeks and now we'll have spring for the next 3 months. Nice! We stayed around the house this weekend and soaked up the nice weather. Edie and I played outside for hours and William took many meals outside, soaking up the warm breezes while he dined. And boy does William dine. He eats all day long but he sleeps ALL NIGHT LONG! Saturday night he slept from 7:30 pm to 5:00 am. My goal this weekend was to pump a lot in order to get my supply way up. Since we stayed around the house I was able to pump every 2 to 3 hours each day. I produce 3-4 ounces every 2 to 3 hours all of which is immediately consumed by William. It's easy to get off of a good pumping schedule on the weekend because I'm out of the house and not able to pump. This happened last weekend which meant last Monday morning I didn't have much milk in the fridge for Pastora so she had to supplement with formula. This morning though I was able to leave 5 full bottles in the fridge.

During the day William insists on shoulder sleeping.
William does a great Elvis lip curl.
Dining (and then sleeping) al fresco.