Things to come..... I am going to start taking Edie to Sunday school. My Dad and I will start taking her this Sunday. I want her to get to play with other kids and it's free. I may stay in the room with her this Sunday to observe and help her get used to the idea after that my Dad and I will attend the service while she plays. I can't wait!
Edie experiences her first french fry, and likes it.
William's second sponge bath. Now I'm bathing him in the baby tub since the cord finally fell off.
Sweet William resting up.
Silly Buddy joined us at the museums.
William likes to stare at the circles in his crib.
Last night Edie helped out by patting Williams head and saying "shhh, shhh, shhh" over and over to William. She also covered him with several blankets.
At least "fry" wasn't her first word like it was mine...