Edie is staying awake so much longer. In the past weeks, when I get home from work around 4:20 Edie is asleep onto of Chris. We would usually have to wake her up around 5:00. Not this week though. She hasn't been napping much in the afternoons at all. I try to hold her and take her on walks and talk and play and stimualte her as much as possible until she goes to bed. This is my 4:00 - 8:00 routine: Walk in the door a little before 4:30. Push the dogs down and try to show them a little love. Eat something really fast. Take Edie and talk to her and let her stand up and sit down over and over. Take a bath and shave my legs while Chris holds her. Then Chris gives her to me and we finish our bath together. This is my favorite part of the day. She loves her baths. She could stay in there forever and she like the water really hot, just like me. We get out and put on her pj's/next day's outfit. Then we go on a little walk around the block or up and down the street. She stares up at the trees while I tell her what kind of tree she is looking at, both common and botanical names. We come back inside and I set her down in her crib and we talk. She looks up at her mobile and we talk about her day. Her little sounds/baby talk is the sweetest thing I have ever heard!! God, it's so sweet.
She has been going to sleep around 8:00 and sleeping all night. When I left the house this morning at 6:00 she hadn't woken up yet. That's 10 hours!! She's such a good baby.