Last Monday I went back to work. Fortunately I love my job so I wasn't dreading it at all. Now I actually look forward to getting out of the house in the morning to have eight hours without an infant. Is that wrong to sayI course I miss her all day and when I'm at my desk I look at her pictures every 10 minutes but it's like a minivacation. Taking care of Edie is much more tiring than landscaping. I now believe all stay at home moms that say their job is so hard. I always thought they were just complaining. I get it now. Leaving Edie each morning is bearable because of our amazing nanny, Pastora. She comes to the house each morning at 6:00 am. She is so kind and gentle. She holds and plays with Edie all day. I suspect Edie now thinks Pastora is her mother and I am the roach coach that drives in in the afternoon to supply her with dinner.
I joined Weight Watcher this Monday. I may be able to get back to my prepregnancy weight by Christmas. That would be 20 lbs. I am using their online service. So far so good. I like it and recommend it to anyone who is ready to lose some weight. I have been wearing the same pair of jeans since the day I got back from the hospital. This morning I decided to see if I could not fit into another pair. Success, I squeezed my body in!!
Bath Time
Yesterday my mom came since she hadn't seen her in two days. That's her longest stretch. She helped with the bath allowing me to snap some pictures.
Is it just me or is this the cutest baby ever. She is getting so big now. As I feed her and I look her head and give thanks for now having to have had to deliver her at her current size. She is such a good baby. She really only cries when she is hungry or wants a change of scenery and she stops right when she gets a boob or change the way you are holding her.
When Edie takes a bath she goes into a trance. She had done that since her very first bath. It must feel so good. It's her nightly spa time. She has really adapted to our schedule nicely. Her afternoon routine is: I get home at 4:20ish and she is asleep on Chris' chest while he watches ESPN. I take a bath and eat while she is still asleep. When I am done I take her from Chris and wake her up. I then feed her and we play for about an hour or two. Then she eats again and it's bath time. If she didn't eat before the bath she eats after the bath. We play for about another hour then it's bedtime. Sometimes I put her in her crib midplay and she falls asleep without making a sound. Other nights she starts to get fussy while we are playing so I put her down then. She will usually cry for about 15 minutes then it gets silent.
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