Well, Edie is in love. And I'm not sure it's with me or Chris. Her true loves seems to be Pastora. She melts in her arms and gazes up into her eyes with a look like, "Where have you been all night? You are my favorite, not those other two." Pastora holds her all day long. I don't think she ever puts her down except to change her diaper.
We had new book shelves installed on Friday. They are sooooooooooo gorgeous. How did we live without them for so long?
Edie's two month Dr.'s visit in stages from incredibly happy to incredibly pissed.
Edie had her two month dr's visit on Tuesday. She was so happy and playful the entire time. Which made the three shots seem even worse. She had no idea what was coming. It was hard to watch. She now weighs 10 lbs. 1 oz. and is 22 inches. She looks so big to me. She is staying awake longer and is much more alert. She loves to look around at her surroundings. I can tell she is now, on some level, thinking about what she sees. She is trying to take it all in. Edie and I had several long conversations yesterday. I'm not sure what we were talking about but I would talk and then she would talk back. Each development like this is so amazing and special. I can practically see the brain development happening before my eyes.
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