We had a busy weekend. Edie went to a dinner party, a farmer's market, and Northpark and our favorite restaurant, The Bistro at Nordstrums. I ate there twice on Saturday. I could eat their Blue Cheese and Pair Salad everyday. Their pomegranate martini is divine. She slept through the bulk of our outings. Every couple of days she does something new. This weekend she was really following people around the room with her head and eyes. When Chris walks up on her when I am holding her she stares at him like his face is a movie screen. She stares a lot at Grandma too. I feel like she never really looks at me. I don't know what that is about. I always worry she likes everyone more than me. A lot of the time when she finally realizes I am holding her and looking straight at her, she will lock eyes with me and smile.
Friday evening we went to Nancy and Steve's for a dinner party to celebrate the possible move of Charlotte's sister to Dallas. This was Edie's first dinner party and as usual she was a perfect angel. She was awake just long enough to have a diaper change, take a bottle, and make some cute faces before she passed out in Charlotte's arms. I love having Edie around friends and seeing who surfaces as a baby lover. Surprise, at the party it was definitely Charlotte. I believed she held Edie almost the entire time. After she finished preparing our wonderful dinner, Nancy took her for a while so Charlotte could eat. Even though I am on Weight Watchers I allowed myself to have one of Nancy's homemade blue cheese biscuits. I am going through a blue cheese phase. I could eat blue cheese everyday. The biscuits were wonderful. So were the green peas.
At dinner Steve announced he has purchased I think 16 tickets to Thanksgiving's sold out Cowboy's game in the new stadium. I won't be attending because I plan to spend the day playing with and staring at Edie. But I'm sure the rest of the group will have a blast. Steve is an expert ticket finder. A couple of years ago he got Chris and I second row tickets to a sold out Police concert. I guess it's good to have friends in high places.
Here are some pictures from this weekend.
surprise: rich and steve are not wearing the same thing!