Breastfeeding is all consuming. I have been pumping or nursing every 2 2/2 to 3 hours day and night for the last two months. Think about what that means. Science has proven that breastmilk is an amazing substance that gives your baby all kinds of immunities and a myriad of other health benefits but boy do I understand why people use formula. They recommend that you breastfeed for one year. We'll see. We'll see. Oh, and the promise of losing all your pregnancy weight by breastfeeding, not true for me. I pump three full bottles worth of milk everyday at work. Those bottles are what Pastora and Chris feed her the next day. She seems to prefer the bottle now. She will still feed from the breast but not with the same enthusiasm as she does from the bottle. She won't eat as much from the breast either. I hope she doesn't reject my breasts all together; I would really miss it.
Saturday morning I woke up and watched the instructional dvd that came with my camera. I've had the camera for about two years so I figured it was time to learn how to use it properly.
The drying boppy after a cleaning. Why clean a Boppy? Because Milo peed on it.
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