Friday, November 27, 2009

And He's Her Favorite?

This just may be how it goes for mothers. Chris spends Edie's first Thanksgiving at a Cowboy's game and, back at home, I cradle her in my arms for five hours straight. But he is her favorite? When he gets home he has the nerve to regale me with stories of the sexy dancers in cages at the new stadium. Yes they have female (of course) cage dancers at the new football stadium. What about all of their female fans? Did they give them any thought? Think that might isolate them a little? I guess you cold argue that the players are caged performers too. The only difference is is that they get paid millions. I wonder what a caged dancer at a football stadium gets paid? I would assume it's not enough.

An Amy Rush original.

I'll post more TG pictures and observations once it's all over.

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