Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekend Update

Before we start, let me say that I'm completely aware that my child has a mullet.  I don't want to cut it because I hope by summer it will be a cute bob.  Other by summer goals include: Edie will be bottle free (which means I'll have to stop enabling), Edie will walk without insisting on holding onto someone's finger, I will be about 120 lbs., tan, toned, and bikini ready.  Oh, I'll also be well on my way to being able to run a half marathon.

Edie, me, and Grace.

Grace is our neighbor's 10 year old, Great Dane.  She's very, very sweet and Edie loves to be around her.  That is until Saturday morning when Grace started barking back at Milo and Louie who were hysterically
barking at her from our den window.  Graces' bark is much deeper than the high pitched relentless yelp of a Papillion which sadly Edie is totally used to hearing 24/7 since birth. Graces' deep bark freaked Edie out and she began crying and we had to seperate to part ways.  Edie was really scared.  It took about 5 minutes for her to stop crying.  I hope we'll see Grace again this week and Edie will have forgotten all about the scary bark.

Strolling with her loaded down stroller.

The baby doll often falls out as Edie rams the stroller into a piece of furniture, a pet, a wall, or a door facing.  When this happens she carefully makes her way to the front of the stroller, picks up the doll, and attempts to cram the doll back in.

She is a total pack rat with the stroller.  This weekend it held a doll, a coaster, my mom's keys, and lots of wooden toy animals.

At the farmer's market.

There was a live band at the farmer's market that Edie was totally in to in a very serious way.  She was dancing in her stroller with eyes locked in on the band.  She didn't crack a smile though.  It was some serious music appreciation.  There was $5 all you can eat pie contest with around 75 pies.  Guess who ate three, yes three, plates worth of pie?  Me.... the resident fat ass.  I also ate macaroni and cheese in bed last night after eating dinner, a dinner that included 6 pieces of bacon.  Chris bought me said mac n'cheese at Central Market.  He bought about 1 1/2  cups worth.  I told him had he bought 10 cups of mac n'cheese then I would have eaten 10 cups of mac n'cheese.  I'm completely out of control.  OUT OF CONTROL.

Need I say more.

If Edie was made out of chocolate I'd eat her.

Edie at Sunset Point, White Rock Lake.

Dad studying the chart of local waterfowl.

The American White Pelican and water coots. 

Edie definitely has librarian tendencies. 


  1. I like the new header photo. Also, the Mimi outfit in the Edie librarian shot is nice too. Although, Mimi's knit slacks would all be either black, navy, or white--not purple. Edie's Uggs look a little like some of Mimi's suede Easy Spirits too.

  2. ann, eating mac and cheese in bed?! Sounds to me like you were drunk at 2am, made some Kraft mac-n-cheese and went to town.

    Edie looks so cute with her hood pulled up over her head, a little thuggish too.


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