I can finally bring you good news about Abby. We took her back to the vet yesterday and Dr. Huskey liked what she saw. Abby's swelling has gone down, it's less hard around the puncture wounds, she's putting a lot more weight on her foot, and her weight had gone up a little. All signs of kitty that's going to be okay. The bill was only $42 this time so Chris has decided to pay the rest of the bills (hopefully there's only one or two more visits). The whole thing seems to be more than the dog owner can handle. I think she should pay every last penny but Chris is sick of dealing with her. I guess we'll keep her in the create through the weekend. The second we let her out the paps will start chasing her so maybe they will have to go outside while she roams the house.
Abby wanting desperately to get out of the crate.
I loved seeing her sitting up and eating.
um barb. no one should be up at 5:18 am
ReplyDeleteThe time is messed up on my laptop. I left that message about 7:18, although I was actually up at 5:18 attending to my duties as chef and door opener for Sugar.
amy was up at 7:49 a.m. according to her post. equally mind boggling.