I spent 8 years in college. I have a B.S. in Horticulture and a Master of Landscape Architecture (I love saying that!) and not once did anyone tell me that landscape management would involve emptying trash cans, powerwashing vomit, scooping up dead animals, picking up discarded dirty diapers, used condoms, used needles, picking cigarette butts out of ash urns and off the ground one by one, or spray painting dormant plant material green. I have even picked up human feces before, not at SMU though, yet. This is the second time I have had to get brown plants to look green--with paint. The first time was in the summer for a Laura Bush reception. One of my guys had cut the Asian jasmine way too short so it looked brown. So I spent several days spray painting the Asian jasmine (with Alex Hargrave at my side) in front of the Calatrava fountain green because that was the location her car would pull up and drop her off. This time I contracted it out to ValleyCrest. They are more than capable, doing it faster and better than we would. Given all the clean up we are still doing from the snow storm we wouldn't of had time to spray paint grass anyway. The turf panels in these pictures are in the Meadows Museum's new sculpture garden. Bermuda with overseeded with rye was specced but that ended up not happening. There is a v.i.p event on March 5 so..... green spray paint.

Before: The ValleyCrest guys wrapped all the stone borders in plastic before spraying.
Looks real from afar.
ooooh Valley Crest ooooooh
well smart ass they maintain the landscape at the Nasher