Thank god I've got my camera back. Once again I took it in for a repair and they said nothing was wrong with it. It worked all weekend. Let's just hope it keeps on tickin. We took Edie to her one year check up last Wednesday. The doctor told us to stop giving her a bottle. She is now supposed to use a sippy cup with whole milk not formula. He said to go cold turkey, that kids don't transition. He said to never let her use a bottle again. He also said the transition would take about half a day, maybe one full day. I was good and I didn't give her a bottle for one full day. She also consumed almost no liquids that day because she refuses to take one drop of liquid from her sippy cups. We were giving her water and milk with adult drinking cups which isn't great because it spills everywhere. On Friday night I couldn't stand thinking she was dehydrated so I gave her a bottle of milk before she went to bed. She inhaled every last drop. Cut to Sunday and I gave her bottles all day long. I intend to do some internet research on the subject. If I had followed dr's orders Edie wouldn't of had any liquid since Wednesday afternoon. She doesn't mind that she's drinking cow's milk now instead of formula but she is attached to her bottle and WILL NOT drink from that damn sippy cup.

Edie will drink from Big Red Cup.
The water goes all over her and the floor.
Chris wiping her face after he wiped the floor.
Edie reunited with her bottle.
Edie is now obsessed with opening and closing doors. This can occupy her for 10 minutes at a time which for Edie is quite something. Open, close, open, close.
All of the china was relocated from this antique cabinet to one in the kitchen up high and out of reach.
This weekend I got rid of a lot of stuff (crap) from the tiny closet in what will become Edie's room. All of my holiday wreaths--gone, photo albums now in hall closet, nursing shirts and bras washed because they were covered in cat fur, stack of C-fed for life baseball caps gone (sorry Amy). It feels so good to purge. My mom went through Edie's current closet (soon to be William's) and took out everything she had outgrown to be taken to her house for storage until my sister has a baby girl, no pressure Liz. Basically you and Amy will just have to keep trying until one of you has a girl because we've got a lot of gorgeous girly clothes to pass on. The closet what will be Edie's new room is really a coat closet. It's about 3' wide just large enough for about 1/8 of her wardrobe. I think I will get a rolling rack like you see in clothing stores. I'm not kidding.
Helping out in the closet.
In a split second she pulled everthing out of one of the bags.
When her work was done she crawled away to destroy something else.
Waking up sweaty after her two hour afternoon nap.
Another development is that Edie prefers to read her own books now. She really doesn't have the patience for us to read to her. She wants to look at her books by herself. And.... she now doens't read/look at them upside down anymore. She will turn them around first.
Reading aloud to herself. Soooooooo cute.
Edie loves to attack my belly button and my leg mole.