Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I can walk with a little help from my friends.

This is what I saw when I pulled into the driveway after work yesterday afternoon.  Pastora and Edie were going for a stroll.  When I got out of the car and picked Edie up she started crying.  She wanted to continue walking.  Hey, Edie, check this out, you can walk whenever you want, by yourself.  Why don't you try it sometime!  Just kidding, take your time.  You can walk whenever you feel like it.  Edie likes to walk on her tippy toes; Pastora discovered if you put her shoes on she will keep her feet flat.

Edie likes to unwind before bed with a drink. 

Reading to herself.

1 comment:

  1. ann! dont insult the walkie walkie! i can do that with her all dia long.

    she is going to pound town on that drank!


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