Friday, April 30, 2010

Frog at Work

Edie takes play very seriously.  We call it going to work.  She doesn't crack too many smiles and she concentrates really hard on the task at hand.  If you ask her if she wants to go grab a Starbucks she would say, "Look Mom, I'm working really hard right now.  I've got a deadline to get the sprinkler banged into the deck about 475 times before 6:00."

Frog is on the move!  She doesn't hang out in one spot anymore unless she is in the almighty Jumperoo (our lord and savior).  Hanging out on the back deck is exhausting because we have get up and remove her from the edge before she drops off every minute.  Seriously it's that frequently.  After work I really prefer to parent from a chair, watching Frog from a distance so this crawling bit is really proving to be difficult and a little annoying.  Crawling inside the house is a little less taxing because she can't fall off the edge of anything so I can stay seated a little longer, that is until she leaves the room I'm in.  Last night I hung out on the floor of the bathroom because that's where she was working. 

Note the twig hanging from Milo's velcro-like tail.  I'm sure it finally worked itself free into our bed.

Our new Japanese maple.  Thanks Nancy!


  1. She looks like an active and happy baby! I am so jealous you have a Japanese Maple!
    Have a great day :)

  2. Delano's dad is convinced that kids don't need toys, that household items entertain kids just as effectively. For example, Julian is OBSESSED with my car key. He will swap his new Optimus Prime transformer (about a 1/3 his size) for my key any time! Behold, the sprinkler. There's definately some truth to this.

  3. ann. you just had to throw in some plant BS in this post... shout out to the tree.

  4. YOUR bathroom is prisine!!! Props to you guys! The yard is beautiful...I think you have the perfect location....any hydrangeas this year???


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