People always say, "Yall must not have much work in winter. What do yall do?" In many ways winter and spring are our busiest time of year. Why? I'll tell you in one word... leaves. Leaves fall from around October until graduation in late May. The leaf removal is manageable until the live oaks start shedding their leaves then it's out of control. We will pick up leaves all day everyday to try to make small dents in the live oaks leaves. They lose their acorns first. We have been cleaning those up for several months. They have not begun to lose their leaves yet but I know it's close. I'm scared!!
Leaves picked up yesterday afternoon.
The guys will blow these leaves off the sidewalks to the curbs. They then suck them up into this truck. We dump them out and then use a backhoe to put them in our compost dumpster.
This winter and early spring we will also cut back all our ornamental grasses. We will do this in late January. We will cut back all our liriope and any Asian jasmine that has grown too thick. In mid February we will prune our roses and shear some Knockout roses that have grown too tall. We will also shear any shrubs that need cut back a foot or more.
Some of our ornamental grasses that we will shear down to about 1' from the ground.
Tall Asian jasmine that we will mow and weedeat down in February.
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