Last night I cooked my week's special meal. I chose fish tacos. This was easy and good so it will definitely become a regular dinner around here. I was supposed to make a mango relish to go with it but I forgot the recipe so we topped it with avocados. Just sautee a white fish (I used tilapia), a red bell pepper, some onion, and cilantro in a little oil and the juice of one lime. Stir enough to cook and allow the fish to break up into small pieces. I topped it with queso fresco but the recipe called for a sharp cheddar which I now see may have been better because I really couldn't taste the cheese. Plus queso fresco is a lot of herion to me so I ate half the wheel before the fish was done cooking. It also needed some Tabasco or some type of hot sauce when finished because it was a little bland. Next time I will put most of the cilantro in fresh at the end because I really couldn't taste it after it cooked. But it couldn't have been easier.

Frog is full on teething now. She can't sleep in a gown anymore because she will pull it up and chew on it all night. Yesterday morning Chris had to take her out of her night gown early in the morning because it was soaking wet from a night of chewing. Last night I gave her a cloth diaper rag to sleep with so she could chew on it. When I went in around midnight to look at her, she was hugging the rag in her sleep but at 5:00 a.m. she had discarded the rag and was chewing on one of her socks. Her two bottom teeth are also cutting the top of her lip somehow.
We eat on the floor a lot now to be close to the Frog.
I'm thrilled that it's finally getting warm so we can see some Frog skin. Those feet have been in leggings all winter.