Thursday, March 18, 2010

Family Togetherness #4

Chris made lasagne last night.  I have heard Chris say at least 134 times, "I don't like lasagne; it's slimy."  Turns out he doesn't like my lasagne.  I have to say when he's not cooking fried carrots or a pork chop covered in canned corn that was boiled in a sauce pan on high for about 20 minutes, Chris can actually make a delicious dish.  He used ground veal instead of ground beef.  It was perfect!  It has a milder taste and a lot less fat.  He didn't use the ricotta because when he opened the container he said the look of it scared him.  He used mozzarella inside and parmesan on top.  Like I said, it was really good.

While the lasagne baked we bathed the Frog.  She violently chewed on her wash cloth the entire time.  Chewed and kicked and kicked and kicked.

Louie always runs in the bathroom during her bath.


  1. i feel as if edie has matured so much. the first pic looks like she is judging you and wondering, "excuse me strange woman, im trying to decompose after a long day at the office. mind if i chew on this?"

  2. soon as I scrolled to this pic I immediately thought of your mom and!


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